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The Oslo Process: The Façade of Peace between Palestine and Israel

Maria Gilani • Oct 12 2024 • Essays

Oslo facilitated the territorial dispossession, economic dependency, and political fragmentation of Palestine as it was set up to bolster Israel’s occupational regime.

Interview – Marco Siddi

E-International Relations • Oct 11 2024 •

Marco Siddi discusses shifting EU-Russia relations and the attitudes to a green energy transition within the EU, as well as the diplomatic efforts needed for its success.

Analysing the Justiciability of Social and Economic Rights

Tala Sultan • Oct 6 2024 • Essays

Arguments against SERs’ justiciability—on grounds of their ‘costly’ nature, vagueness, intangibility, and the incapacity of courts—prove counterproductive and misguided.

Beijing’s Charm Offensive: China’s Soft Power Projection in Central Asia

Zhanserik Temirtashev • Oct 1 2024 • Essays

China’s education diplomacy in CARs elucidates the intricacies of building cultural affinity, the nuances of alignment, and the synergy between hard and soft power.

Interview – Klaus Dodds

E-International Relations • Sep 30 2024 • Features

Klaus Dodds reflects on the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Arctic Council, and the impacts of Russian claims of hydrocarbon reserves in the Antarctic.

How the Islamic State Weaponizes Imitation in Its Propaganda

Niels Schattevoet • Sep 24 2024 • Essays

Aggressive imitation is meant not only to justify IS’s violence but to express its worldview—of restoring Muslim honour by avenging the humiliation Muslims have suffered.

Interview – Kristin Anabel Eggeling

E-International Relations • Sep 22 2024 • Features

Kristin Eggeling discusses digital sovereignty, the incorporation of digitalisation in diplomacy, and the impact of new research methodologies on international relations.

Gender and Weaponization of Healthcare in Conflict: A Feminist Discourse Analysis

Alba Andrés Sánchez • Sep 17 2024 • Essays

The gendered analysis of weaponization of healthcare reveals how when it is combined with sexual violence women are exposed to a compounded form of violence.

Interview – Preethi Amaresh

E-International Relations • Sep 15 2024 • Features

Preethi Amaresh talks about the evolving role of cyber diplomacy, initiatives to promote cyber peace, and India’s foreign policy and the potential role of paradiplomacy.

Interview – Maciej Bazela

E-International Relations • Sep 11 2024 • Features

Maciej Bazela discusses neo-fascism, including its resurgence in Latin America, the use of social media by neo-fascist movements, and potential countermeasures.

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